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Our Mission

Bringing the Good News of Christ wherever we are

Making disciples of Christ whoever we are with

Glorifying God through Christ whatever we do


Our Vision

Reach UP Higher

By committing to the word, worship and prayer

By following His Word and Spirit


Reach IN Deeper

By making disciples of Christ

By cultivating a Gospel-shaped culture

By encouraging one another


Reach OUT Wider

By being the good news of Christ

By reaching out to those in need in our community

By loving unconditionally

Our Values and Beliefs

We believe that God has created each individual in His own image.

We believe that there is an inherent worth of God in each individual,

whoever they are, whatever they are doing or whatever they have done.

We believe that the Bible is God's word, wisdom, and revelation.

We believe that the Bible is still relevant to us in our day and context.

We believe, through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us, and we​ commit ourselves unconditionally to the authority of His word.

We believe we are co-heirs with Christ and that all authority in heaven has been given

to us, through the transforming power and presence of His Holy Spirit.

We believe, through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us,

we can see healings, miracles and lives transformed.

We love the Holy Spirit and seek more of His presence in our worship and daily lives. 
We believe that Church is not about the building but people.
We acknowledge that we gather as a community of believers,

to be equipped, to be sent out, to the world. 
We believe that God so loved the world – everyone and every creature.


Therefore we believe that we are called to love and welcome people from different backgrounds,

races, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, ages, gender and sexuality.

Meet our Team


Rev. Urbain Yombe

Priest in Charge 


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Bill Dear

Church Warden


Gerhard Marais

Church Warden

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St Erkenwald's Church 

Parochial Church Council


James, Francis, Fola, Lorraine,

Theresa, Debbie and Janet

         Ann Buxton 
          Safeguarding Officer



St Erkenwald's Church

Levett Road



IG11 9JZ


Priest in Charge: Urbain 07426225182

Office: 020 8594 2271 (answer phone)


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